Studio Policies

The following guidelines are intended to communicate a clear understanding of the issues and expectations between Artesana Pottery and the students. Please read carefully before enrolling in a course or workshop. By signing up for a course or workshop you understand and agree to our studio policies. Thank you for your support.
Tuition. Full tuition is required to hold a spot. Tuition is not broken down into individual classes. Please read under each service you sign up for to understand what is included under your tuition fee.
What is included in your 4 week class fee .Your monthly class fee includes two hours of instruction per week , a total of 4x, weekly open studio hours during the month of class enrollment, use of studio glazes, shelf to store your work and tools, and two firings each with 300 cu inches of space for your work. PLEASE NOTE: ANY WORK THAT IS NOT COMPLETED AND FIRED DURING YOUR MONTH OF ENROLLMENT WILL NEED TO BE REMOVED AT THE END OF YOUR CLASS. PLEASE TRY TO COMPLETE ALL YOUR WORK A WEEK BEFORE THE FIRST FIRING. THANKS
Refunds and cancellations on 4 week courses . There is no refund for cancellations received with less than 7 days notice prior to the start of the course. Cancellations received between 7-14 days before beginning of a session will be refunded at 50%. Cancellations received with 14 or more days before session starts will be fully refunded minus a $25 processing fee.
Refunds and cancellations on one day workshops, clay hangouts, skill workshops, guest artist series, private workshops or glaze classes
Cancellations received at least 7 days prior to scheduled class will be refunded in full minus a $20 processing fee per participant. Cancellations received 2-7 days prior scheduled class will be refunded at 50%. No refunds with less than 48 hour notice.
Work pick up. Any work made during any workshop, one day class or 4 week class should be picked up a week after is fired. Any work left in the studio a week after it is ready for pick up will be recycled.
Missed classes or rescheduling . We do not provide make up classes or rescheduling of any kind.
Youth pottery classes. Youth pottery classes are special classes. These classes do not include open studio time but run for 5 weeks. These classes include use of glazes, 300 cu in of kiln space per firing, use of studio tools (you may purchase your own pottery tool kit), 5 days of instruction and individual shelf space to store your work. Clay is not included.
Open Studio Time. Studio time is only available during the hours set by the studio and it is only open to current students taking adult courses. No open studio time available for Youth classes. During open studio students work independently and without guidance. Open studio is not available to one day workshop participants. If you are not comfortable using the studio independently, please refrain from using it until you feel comfortable with its proper use and maintenance. There is no guidance during this time .
Student shelves. Students are provided a shelf during a 4 week course. Please keep tools, clay, and personal items within the space provided to you. Do not store extra materials in empty shelves or on the floor around the studio. We also ask students to keep their space clean and free of dry clay to minimize dust in the studio.
Studio Maintenance. Students are responsible for cleaning after themselves and leaving the studio in the same way it was found. Managing the resources provided is also important in our studio maintenance. Proper use of water and materials is expected. It is important to keep the studio dust and clutter free as a health and safety practice. Surfaces and floors should be cleaned with a damp sponge and clean mop. Do not sweep floors or wipe dry surfaces. We are a small community of students and working potters and our mutual respect for each other and space we all share and love to use is important to our enjoyment of the studio. Thanks so much.
Damaged equipment. If you damage any equipment (splash pan, wheel, slabroller, wedging table) we ask you to kindly replace what you have damaged. If your glazed pieces are not properly cleaned and they damage a kiln shelf, you will be charged the value of the shelf ruined in order to replace it. We try to avoid these situations by asking students and participants to read and be clear on the studio policies and to ask any questions if you are not sure on how to use any part of the studio.
End of session. At the end of your 4 week session, please remove all materials, tools, personal items and work (finished or unfinished) from the studio. Any items left after a course has ended will be discarded.
Firing Fees. Firing fees are .05c per cubic inch. All fees should be paid before the firing of your pieces.
4 week course cancellation due to low enrollment . A course will be cancelled if the projected enrollment is not met. In the event on cancellation from our part, a full refund will be provided and you will be informed within 48 hours of a course starting.
Class cancellation due to inclement weather. Artesana Pottery will cancel due to inclement weather based on advice that is followed by the Hudson County School districts. Please check you emails/texts for class updates on the day of your class. A class cancellation on our part will be rescheduled.
Other things to mention
Artesana Pottery has the right to kindly ask anyone who does not follow our views and studio policies and is disrespectful to others and staff to discontinue their courses and connection with our studio.
We also hold the right to update and change policies, fees, prices and other items without notice.
Our main goal is to provide a safe fun space where we can all grow in our craft. We want to provide a space where we all feel happy and fortunate to practice pottery. These guidelines are just that, simple guides to keep the studio functioning in a way that serves everyone.